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Orange Wedges

Food for Thought:

English and Healthy Habits

Doughnut with Chocolate Frosting

Objectives: Using appropriate vocabulary and grammar, students will be able to communicate verbally foods they like/dislike, and foods that are healthy and unhealthy. 

Grade level: 1st of primary school

Vocabulary: food items (fruit, apple, orange, banana, strawberry, watermelon, vegetables, broccoli, cucumber, peppers, peas, meat, chicken, beef, pork, bacon, fish, dairy, eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, bread, pasta, rice, pizza, hamburger, hot dog, desert, ice cream, cake, donut, cookie, etc), healthy, unhealthy, good, bad, like, hate, love

Grammar: Do you like Apples? Yes, I do. No, I don't. I like, I don't like, I love, I hate.

Activity 1 (warmer): What is your favorite food? 

Ask students "What is your favorite food?". To further explain, say, "My favorite food is _______." Provide examples and introduce vocabulary words as necessary. Practice first as a class, and then break into groups to practice dialogue. 


Activity 2 (grammar introduction): Do you like apples? 

Play video from Super Simple Songs


After video, ask students, "Do you like apples?". Tell them they can say "Yes, I do" or "No, I don't". Using flash cards or photos from the internet, go through different words asking, "Do you like______?". 

Activity 3 (grammar continuation): I like apples, I don't like broccoli.

Game: instruct students to stand up and push in their chairs. Create a line in the middle of the classroom, either imaginary or using tape. Indicate to the students that one side of the line is the "like" side, and the other side of the line is the "don't like" side. As you call out names of food using the flash cards linked above, students need to move to the side of the classroom that they agree with depending on if they like or dislike a food. 


Students should practice repeating, "I like _____." and "I don't like _____.". 


Students will tend to get really excited about certain foods, where you can go deeper into when you really like a food, you "love" it, or if you really dislike it, you "hate" it. 


*If provided with enough time, students can play the same game with healthy and unhealthy food.


Don't like

Activity 4 (evaluation): Speaking circle

Instruct students to get in a circle on the floor or standing up. 


In pairs students can practice asking "Do you like (apples)?" and responding with "Yes, I do" or, "No, I don't". They can also practice making statements like "I like (apples). I don't like (oranges)." After 5-7 minutes or so, come back to the large group and go around the circle so that the students can share outloud to the class what they like, and don't like, and to share the mastery of their skills from this lesson.

Friendly Circle

Note: This lesson is designed to be facilitated 100% by the Language assistant. The classroom teacher should be there to encourage students, maintain behavior in the classroom, and encourage the LA so that they can have a successful lesson. Additionally, the teacher should be there to observe and evaluate the mastery of the students' speaking skills, as the LA is facilitating the lesson and activities. 


The suggested resources are only a suggestion. You can use this structure for higher levels, and adapt the activity to their needs. You can also use a variation of materials, more materials, or no materials at all. This lesson gets kids thinking, and moving at the same time, to better activate their brain and thinking skills. With the higher levels, you can go more deeply into nutrition adding on a second part to this lesson. 

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